Avoiding Fitness Instructor Burnout

Avoiding Fitness Instructor Burnout

Fitness instructors, I am curious...Have you ever taught a fitness class that you didn't really enjoy? Or maybe there's one currently on your timetable that you dread teaching.Have you ever thought about why this might be? Perhaps it's because of the...

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How you can increase your profit as a dance fitness instructor

How you can increase your profit as a dance fitness instructor

Hands up ABBA fans! I’ve got ‘Money, Money, Money’ stuck in my head (and now, so do you, sorry).Why have I got this song going round and round in my mind today? Because I am thinking about profit. Ok, please don’t run away, I promise I won’t bore you with...

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What Are You Grateful For?

What Are You Grateful For?

We often spend so much time concentrating on what is NOT going perfectly in our lives and we end up using up our energy focusing on the negative events. Many of us do this every day without taking any time to appreciate the little things (or the big...

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4 easy ways to boost your business in the fitness industry

4 easy ways to boost your business in the fitness industry

When we become qualified fitness instructors, we leave feeling great about our teaching ability, but no one really tells us how to run our classes successfully as a business. I’ve been there and know exactly how you feel. I now have two successful businesses, but I’ll...

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Get out of your own way! Do you self sabotage?

Get out of your own way! Do you self sabotage?

"Self mastery is the challenge of transforming yourself from your own worst enemy into your greatest ally" - Wes Fesler How are you? I hope you’ve had a great month! The theme of this blog is about 'self sabotaging'. We are all probably guilty of self sabotaging from...

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Are you being kind to yourself?

Are you being kind to yourself?

Are you being kind to yourself? 'Self care is how you take your power back'   Does prioritising yourself make you feel selfish? If you answered yes then, sadly, you are in the majority of people who believe that we shouldn't be putting ourselves first. In my...

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Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Have you ever really wanted to do something but the fear of failure has stopped you from doing it?   Fear is an emotion that keeps us in our comfort zones so that we are 'safe'. So many of us fear failure, but how many of you believe that failure is actually a...

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Do you F.O.C.U.S?

Do you F.O.C.U.S?

Do You F.O.C.U.S? Have you heard of ‘shiny ball syndrome’? We’re at an age now where everything is instant and at our finger tips. This fast-paced nature of the modern world results in us being easily distracted and we struggle to focus on just one thing. Be honest…...

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Be a problem solver

Be a problem solver

What problem does your ideal client have that you can help them solve?
It’s so important to be specific and focus on the audience you want to attract to your business. A great way to build trust is to be aware of the problems that your specific audience have and provide them with the answer!

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Is it time to stop charging ‘pay as you go’?

Is it time to stop charging ‘pay as you go’?

Is it time to stop charging 'pay as you go'? Are you currently charging ‘pay as you go’? Do you never know from week to week what your income is going to be? Does nice weather, bad weather, Christmas and school holidays fill you with dread in case no one comes to your...

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Dance To Be Happy

Dance To Be Happy

It’s no secret that dance is great for keeping fit, but not everyone is aware of how amazing it is for our mental health and wellbeing. A number of clients who attend ‘On Broadway’® Dance Fitness classes throughout the UK have highlighted just how important these...

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When are you going to get a ‘proper job’?…

When are you going to get a ‘proper job’?…

"When are you going to get a ‘proper job’?" Ouch. The amount of times I used to hear this from my family and friends when I was working as a freelance fitness instructor teaching 40+ different classes per week. I was teaching in an array of different venues both as an...

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Do you know your ideal client?

Do you know your ideal client?

Do you know your ideal client? Do your current clients range from children to teenagers and all the way through to adults? Maybe you even have some classes and clients that you do not even enjoy teaching. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of being a ‘yes man’...

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What is your ‘why’?

What is your ‘why’? What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? (… apart from coffee) I’m sure that there are plenty of reasons out there for why people do what they do as a job. Whether that reason be because you need...

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