Fitness instructors, I am curious…
Have you ever taught a fitness class that you didn’t really enjoy? Or maybe there’s one currently on your timetable that you dread teaching.
Have you ever thought about why this might be? Perhaps it’s because of the people who attend it. Or maybe it’s the type of class you’re teaching?
I remember when I was in my 20’s I thought I had to say yes to everything because I wanted to be the number 1 cover instructor, or I felt like I needed to teach lots of classes to make ends meet and pay the bills. At one point, I was teaching 40+ classes a week, some of which I really didn’t enjoy. I was in my 20’s and didn’t have any time to spend with my family and friends. This was no way to live? Ultimately, this led to complete burnout!
At the peak of my burnout, I packed it all in to get a ‘proper job’ before realising it was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It wasn’t fulfilling my passion, nor was it bringing me joy in the same way teaching dance fitness did.
Thankfully my life looks very different now. I created a business model, a very unique business model, that enabled me to replace my full time wage by teaching only 6 classes per week.
And I am wanting to share my experience with you so that you can skip the years of ‘trial and error’, avoid reaching burnout, and get straight to living the life you’ve dreamed of… doing what you love!
Maybe you relate to my story and are currently feeling burnt out?
Perhaps you, like me, decided to stop doing what you love because the fitness instructor lifestyle just wasn’t giving you the work-life balance you thought it could give you?
Maybe you’re teaching lots of styles of classes, some of which you don’t even enjoy? You’re doing this because you want to make yourself an all rounded instructor that everyone is in high demand for. However, not only do you struggle to then choreograph and plan all your classes, you will also feel overwhelmed and stretched?
Do you have some classes and clients that you do not even enjoy teaching? It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of being a ‘yes man’ when you’re self-employed and need the money- I totally get it, I’ve been there! We can feel overwhelmed with the amount of preparation involved when we feel like we have to offer an array of different classes to a range of clients. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
I believe it’s time to STOP normalising the ‘teach 40 classes a week to be successful’ culture in the fitness industry!
If you say yes to everything, you’re on a way one train to burnout city. ? I’ve been there and got the T-shirt.
Being a successful dance fitness instructor CAN look like this:
- Teaching 6 classes a week (and replacing a full time wage doing it).
- Only teaching ONE style or brand of fitness class, rather than feeling like you have to be qualified in lots of styles you don’t even enjoy.
- Only teaching ONE type of client, rather than every tom, dick, and harry.
We all love what we do and we would probably do it for free if we could, but here’s the thing… you have to stop seeing dance fitness as a hobby on the side and see it with your business owner hat on!